Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable Highlighted in Pacific Institute Sustainability Synthesis
A new synthesis report, interactive tool, and special collection (Incentive-Based Instruments for Water Management) from the Pacific Institute and the Foundation Center features the involvement of the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) in the vital topic of Incentive-Based Instruments for Water Management. BIER’s development of a decision support tool, part of its Performance in Watershed Context Concept Paper, is cited for its willingness to look beyond the confines of a facility and into the greater communities. The full Pacific Institute collection includes case studies, evaluations, journal articles, and white papers which are gathered and made available through a digital collection and was originally commissioned by The Rockefeller Foundation. All of the results from this project are freely available for funders, practitioners, and researchers to use, contribute to, and build on in their own work and BIER is proud to be included.
Read the full report here.